[here] for Dr. Fairbanks' PubMed listings.
Selected Manuscripts (updated 5.20.10)
Fairbanks RJ, Guarrera TK, Bisantz AB, Venturino M,
Westesson PL. Opportunities in IT Support of Workflow & Information Flow in
the Emergency Department Digital Imaging Process. Proceedings of the
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting: Human Factors
and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA; (in press).
Pennathur PR, Cao D, Sui Z, Lin L, Bisantz AM, Fairbanks
RJ, Guarrera TK, Brown JL, Perry SJ, Wears RL. Development of a simulation
environment to study emergency department information technology.
Simulation in Healthcare,
Apr 2010;
5(2), pp: 103-111.
Patterson PD, Huang DT,
Fairbanks RJ,
Wang HE.
The Emergency
Medical Services Safety Attitudes Questionnaire. American Journal of
Medical Quality Mar 2010 25(2) 109–115.
Witsil JC, Aazami R,
Murtaza UI, Hays DP, Fairbanks RJ. Challenges and Solutions to Implementing
Emergency Pharmacist Programs: Results from a 6 month Patient Impact Care
Program. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Mar 2010;
67(5):375-379. [abstract]
Wang HE, Weaver MD, Abo
BN, Kaliappan R, Fairbanks RJ. Ambulance Stretcher Adverse Events. Quality and Safety in Health Care Jun 2009;18(3):213-6.
text] [pdf]
Fairbanks RJ.
Don’t be a Minimizer: Avoiding the Trap of Minimizing Symptoms. Journal
of Emergency Medical Services March 2009; 34(3):100-102.
Szczesiul JM, Fairbanks RJ, Hildebrand JM, Hays DP,
Shah, MN. Use of Clinical Pharmacists in Emergency Departments with
Residency Programs. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Mar
2009; 66:576-9. [pdf]
Peterson LKN, Fairbanks
RJ, Hettinger AZ, Shah MN. EMS Attitudes Towards Geriatric Prehospital Care
And Continuing Medical Education in Geriatrics. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society, Mar 2009; 57(3):530-535.
Kobayashi L, Overly FL,
Fairbanks RJ, Patterson M, Kaji AH, Bruno EC, Kirchhoff MA, Strother CG,
Sucov A, Wears RL. Advanced Medical Simulation Applications for Emergency
Medicine Microsystems Evaluation and Training.
Academic Emergency Medicine
Nov 2008; 15(11):
Fairbanks RJ
and Wears RL. Hazards With Medical Devices: the Role of Design (editorial).
Annals of Emergency Medicine Nov 2008; 52(5): 519-521.
Rajasekaran K, Fairbanks RJ, Shah MN. T No
More Blame and Shame: developing event-reporting systems may go a long way
to reducing patient care errors in EMS. Emergency Medical Services
Sept 2008; 37(9): 61-67
[full text]
Wang HE, Fairbanks RJ,
Shah MN, Abo BN, Yealy DM. Tort Claims and Adverse Events in Emergency
Medical Services. Annals of Emergency Medicine Sept 2008; 52(3):
Fairbanks RJ,
Crittenden CN, O’Gara KG, Wilson MA, Pennington EC, Chin NP, Shah MN. EMS
Provider Perceptions of the Nature of Adverse Events and Near Misses in
Out-of-Hospital Care: An Ethnographic View. Academic Emergency Medicine
July 2008; 15(7):633–640.
[full Text]
Nuckols TK, Bower AG,
Paddock SM, Rothschild JM,
Fairbanks RJ, Carlson B,
Panzer RJ, Hilborne LH. Costs of Intravenous Adverse Drug Events in Academic
vs. Non-academic ICUs.
Medical Care Jan 2008; 46(1):17-24.
Nuckols TK, Bower AG,
Paddock SM, Hilborne LH, Wallace PL, Rothschild JM, Griffin A, Fairbanks RJ,
Carlson B, Panzer RJ, Brook RH.
Programmable Infusion Pumps
in ICUs: An Analysis of Corresponding Adverse Drug Events. Journal of
General Internal Medicine Jan 2008; 23(Suppl 1):41–5.
Fairbanks RJ,
Bisantz AM, Sunm M. Emergency Department Communication Links and Patterns.
Annals of Emergency Medicine Oct 2007; 50(4): 396-406.
Fairbanks RJ, Caplan SH, Bishop PA, Marks AM, Shah MN.
Usability Study of Two Common Defibrillators Reveals Hazards. Annals of
Emergency Medicine Oct 2007; 50(4): 424-432.
[associated editorial]
Fairbanks RJ,
Hildebrand JM, Kolstee KE, Schneider SM, Shah MN. Medical and nursing staff
value and utilize clinical pharmacists in the Emergency Department. Emergency Medicine Journal Oct 2007; 24:716-719.
[full text]
Shah MN, Fairbanks RJ,
Lerner EB. Cardiac arrests in skilled nursing facilities: continuing room
for improvement? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
March 2007; 8(Suppl 2):e27-31.
Shah MN, Bazarian JJ,
Lerner EB, Fairbanks RJ, Barker W, Auinger P, Friedman B. The Epidemiology
of Emergency Medical Services Use by Older Adults: An Analysis of the
National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Academic Emergency
Medicine May 2007; 14:441–448.
Fairbanks RJ,
Shah MN, Lerner EB, Ilangovan K, Pennington EC, Schneider SM. Epidemiology
and Outcomes of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Rochester, New York. Resuscitation. Mar 2007; 72(3): 415-424.
White FA, French D, Zwemer FL, Fairbanks RJ. Care
Without Coverage: Is There A Relationship Between Insurance and ED Care?
Journal of Emergency Medicine. Feb 2007; 32(2): 159-165.
Shah MN, Fairbanks RJ,
Lerner EB. Cardiac arrests in skilled nursing facilities: continuing room
for improvement? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
Jul 2006; 7(6):350-4.
Shah MN, Clarkson L, Lerner
EB, Fairbanks RJ, McCann R, Schneider SM. An Emergency Medical Services
Program to Promote the Health of Older Adults, Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society. Jun 2006; 54(6):956–962.
Gawron VJ, Drury CG, Fairbanks RJ, Berger RC. Medical
Error and Human Factors Engineering: Where are we now? American Journal
of Medical Quality. Jan 2006; 21(1): 57-67.
Shah MN, Fairbanks RJ, Maddow CL, Lerner EB, Syrett JI, Davis EA, Schneider
SM. Description and evaluation of a pilot physician-directed emergency
medical services diversion control program. Academic Emergency Medicine.
Jan 2006; 13: 54-60.
Fairbanks RJ,
Goyal M, Marks A. Renal Failure and Dialysis Patients: What the EMS Provider
Should Know. Emergency Medical Services, Jun 2005; 34:6.
Lum TE, Fairbanks RJ, Pennington EC, Zwemer FL.
Misplaced Femoral Line Guidewire and Multiple Failures to Detect Foreign
Body on Chest X-ray. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2005; 12(7):
Shah MN, Bishop MA, Lerner
EB, Fairbanks RJ, Davis EA, Validation of Using EMS Dispatch Codes to
Identify Low Acuity Patients. Prehospital Emergency Care 2005;
Lerner EB, Fairbanks RJ, Shah MN. Identification of Out
of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Clusters Using a Geographic Information System.
Academic Emergency Medicine 2005; 12(1):81-84.
Fairbanks RJ
and Caplan S, Poor Interface Design and Lack of Usability Testing Facilitate
Medical Error, Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety, 2004;
White FA, Zwemer FL, Beach C, Westesson PL, Fairbanks
RJ, Scialdone G, Emergency Department Digital Radiology: Moving From Photos
to Pixels. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2004; 11:1213–1222.
Fairbanks RJ,
Hays DP, Webster DF,
Spillane LL, Clinical Pharmacy Service in an Emergency Department, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2004; 61(9): 934-937.
Moore SS, Nettleman MD,
Beyer S, Chalasani K, Fairbanks RJ, Goyal M, and Carter M. How Residents
Spend Their Nights On Call. Academic Medicine, October 2000;
Conference Proceedings Papers
(Reprints available:
email request)
Fairbanks RJ,
Karn KS, Caplan SH, Guarrera TK, Shah MN, Wears RL.
Use Error Hazards from a Popular Emergency Department
Information System. Proceedings of the Usability Professionals
Association 2008 International Conference, June 2008.
Pennathur P, Bisantz AM,
Fairbanks RJ, Perry SJ, Wears RL, Zwemer FL. Assessing the Impact of
Computerization on Work Practice: Information Technology in Emergency
Departments, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
51st Annual Meeting, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,
October 2007.
Alvarado CJ, Carayon P,
Fairbanks RJ, Karsh BT, Perry SJ, Sharit J, Wiegmann DA. Macroergonomics
and Patient Safety in Health Care, Proceedings of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society 51st Annual Meeting, Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, October 2007.
Kalsher M, Cao C, Weinger M, Fairbanks RJ, Resnick M, Carstensen P,
Nemeth C, Vrendenberg A, Israelski E, Spyridon G, Yoshida D, McLeod R.
Mock Trial: Role of Human Factors in Litigation Involving an Automated
External Defibrillator (AED), Proceedings of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society 51st Annual Meeting, Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, October 2007.
Pennathur P, Bisantz AM,
Fairbanks RJ, Perry SJ, Wears RL. Semantic network analysis of shared
communication in an emergency department. Proceedings of the
Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Institute of Industrial
Engineers Annual Meeting. Orlando FL: May 2007.
Bisantz AM, Fairbanks RJ,
and Sunm M. Implications of Emergency Department Communication Patterns
on Patient Safety and Technology Design. Proceedings of the 16th
Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, July 10 - 14 2006,
Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Bisantz AM, Fairbanks RJ,
Sunm M. Emergency department communication patterns and IT design.
Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Institute
of Industrial Engineers Annual Meeting. May 2006; Orlando, Florida.
Fairbanks RJ,
Caplan S, Panzer RJ.
Integrating Usability Into Development Of A Clinical Decision Support
System. Proceedings of HCI-International 2005, Mira Digital
Publishing (ISBN 0-8058-5807-5). July 2005; Las Vegas, Nevada.
Wears RL, Bisantz AM, Perry
SJ, Fairbanks RJ. Consequences of technical change in cognitive artifacts
for managing complex work. Proc 8th Int Symp Hum Fact Org Design & Manag.
Maui, HI, Jun 22-25, 2005; 317-322.
Sunm M, Bisantz AM,
Fairbanks RJ. Interpersonal communication and public display tools in the
emergency department.
Proceedings of the 2005 Systems and Information Engineering Design
Symposium, Ellen J. Bass (ed); 2005:249-252.
Fairbanks RJ,
Caplan S, Shah MN, Marks A, Bishop P, Defibrillator Usability Study Among
Paramedics, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
48th Annual Meeting Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,
September, 2004.
Fairbanks RJ
and Wierwille WW. Refinement of algorithms for on-line detection of driver
drowsiness. Proceedings of the Third Annual Mid-Atlantic Human Factors
Conference (pp. 55-61). Santa Monica CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society, 1995.
Selected Book
Chapters, Technical Reports, Monographs, Letters
(Reprints available:
email request)
Fairbanks RJ,
Perry SJ, Venturino M, and Zwemer FL. Radiology in the Emergency
Department: Patient Safety Issues with Digital Imaging (Book Chapter).
Patient Safety in Emergency Medicine. Croskerry, Cosby, Schenkel,
and Wears, (Eds). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (In Press).
[amazon.com link]
Fairbanks RJ and Gellatly AW. Human Factors Engineering
and Safe Systems (Book Chapter). Patient Safety in Emergency Medicine.
Croskerry, Cosby, Schenkel, and Wears, (Eds). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
(In Press). [amazon.com
Fairbanks RJ,
Rueckmann RA, Kolstee KE, Hays DP, Cobaugh DJ, Wears RL, Dewar KH, Martin
HA, Davis CO, Schneider SM, Shah MN. Clinical Pharmacists in Emergency
Medicine. In: Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and
Alternative Approaches. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality; (In Press).
Delagi R, Bradley K,
Barishansky RM, Chiumento S, Fairbanks RJ, Werner A, Reisner W, Burns L.
Quality Improvement for Prehospital Providers. New York State Emergency
Medical Services Council, New York State Department of Health, Bureau of
EMS, 2007.
[link to pdf]
Fairbanks RJ
and Caplan S. Poor Interface Design and Lack of Usability Testing
Facilitate Medical Error (Book chapter). In Using Human Factors
Engineering to Improve Patient Safety. J.W. Gosbee, L.L Gosbee (Eds).
Joint Commission Resources, 2005.
[amazon.com link]
O’Connor RE, Fairbanks RJ,
Reducing Adverse Events in EMS. In Quality Management in
Prehospital Care, 2nd Edition. R Swor (Ed). National
Association of EMS Physicians, 2005.
[NAEMSP link]
Wears RL, Bisantz AM, Perry
SJ, Fairbanks RJ. Consequences of technical change in cognitive artifacts
for managing complex work. In: Carayon P, Robertson M, Kliener B,
Hoonakker PLT, eds. Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management
- VIII. Santa Monica, CA: IEA Press; 2005:317 - 322.
Chalasani K, Nettleman MD, Moore SS, MacArthur S,
Fairbanks RJ, Goyal M. Faculty Misperceptions About How Housestaff Spend
Their Nights On Call (letter). JAMA, 2001; 286 (9): 1024.
Fairbanks RJ,
Fahey SE, and Wierwille WW. Research on Vehicle-Based Driver
Status/Performance Monitoring: Seventh Semi-Annual Research Reports
(DOT HS 808 299). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, June 1995.
[link to pdf]
Wierwille WW, Wreggit SS, Kirn CL, Ellsworth LE, and
Fairbanks RJ. Research on Vehicle-Based Driver Status/Performance
Monitoring; Development, Validation, and Refinement of Algorithms for
Detection of Driver Drowsiness. (DOT HS 808 247). Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, December 1994.
to pdf]
Fairbanks RJ.
Algorithm Refinement and Threshold Determination for a Drowsy Driver
Detection System. Masters thesis: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1995.
Contact for reprints:
Terry Fairbanks